Installing Julia
Install Julia locally to your $System
This article covers the local installation of Julia using packages from the Download Page. Other options for using Julia include an Online REPL, a Docker image, and a Desktop Julia IDE.
Installs can either be without sudo/admin USER or GLOBAL. For context, most other programming languages default to being installed with GLOBAL scope. Choose one and follow the instructins for that target.
(Windows 7/Server 2012 only): Enable Windows Management Framework 3+
Open the executable with Admin Privileges
GLOBAL | Change the install directory to
. -
Hit Install > Hit Finish
GLOBAL | Using Powershell with Admin Privileges, add julia permanently to your path
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$PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") $julia_path = "C:\Program Files\Julia" # -DO THIS- For all users on this machine [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$PATH;$julia_path", "Machine") # -OR THIS- For just me [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$PATH;$julia_path")
USER | Alias
in your $Profile. If you do not have a profile, Set one up.1 2
$julia_path = $home\AppData\local\Julia-1.1.0\bin\julia Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "function julia { Invoke-Expression $julia_path }"
Get brew if not installed
brew cask install julia
USER | Download, un/mount dmg, install to ~/Applications, add julia it to PATH
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#!/usr/bin/env bash curl \ -o /tmp/julia-1.1.0.dmg hdiutil attach /tmp/julia-1.1.0.dmg mkdir -p ~/Applications cp -r /Volumes/Julia-1.1.0/ ~/Applications/Julia-1.1 ln -s ~/Applications/Julia-1.1/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia ~/Applications/julia hdiutil detach /Volumes/Julia-1.1.0 if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$HOME/Applications:"* ]]; then echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Applications" >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile fi
Download the binary, depending on your architecture
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# Download 64-bit curl \ -o /tmp/julia.tar.gz # Or 32-bit curl \ -o /tmp/julia.tar.gz
GLOBAL | Download, extract, and copy to /opt/local, add to PATH
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tar -C /tmp -xzf /tmp/julia.tar.gz cp -r /tmp/julia /opt/local if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":/opt/local:"* ]]; then echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local" >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile fi
USER | Download, extract, copy to ~/bin, and add to PATH
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tar -C /tmp -xzf /tmp/julia.tar.gz mkdir -p ~/bin cp -r /tmp/julia ~/bin if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":~/bin:"* ]]; then echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile fi
Open a new shell to make sure julia==1.1.0 is installed correctly


Next Steps
Now that you have Julia, install some packages!